PART 2: Stimulating and Scaling Up

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Filmed Live: Friday 31st July, 2:30pm (BST)

//Hydrogen: Driven, not diminished

Maintaining Momentum in the Hydrogen Society

Part 2

Stimulating and Scaling Up

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Part 2

Stimulating and Scaling Up

Part 2 of H2 View’s new series of webinars picks up the baton of why hydrogen is so crucial to the world’s economic recovery plans and runs with a discussion of how we can get there – how we can ensure hydrogen is a part of long-term government policy, how we can get to the stage where societies and industry can enjoy the benefits of hydrogen at scale. This webinar will explore the decade of the fuel cell, the move from grey to green hydrogen, and what it will take to truly move forward to a hydrogen society.


Your Host & Guest Speakers

Rob Cockerill


Global Managing Editor, gasworld

Dr. David Hart

Guest Speaker


Randy MacEwen

Guest Speaker

CEO, Ballard

Jim Petrecky

Guest Speaker