Hydrogen: Driven, not diminished

A new three-part series of engaging webinars brought to you exclusively by H2 View and
powered by gasworld TV.

Hydrogen: Driven, not diminished

Maintaining Momentum in the Hydrogen Society

Covid-19 (coronavirus) has transformed our ways of life and work beyond modern comprehension, and will likely continue to do so long after the contagion has been quelled. There will be deep and sustained economic impacts globally, coupled with newly accepted means of doing business – creating a number of new challenges for the world to rise to.

All of which adds another layer of complexity to those existing challenges we must address; the transition to a more secure and sustainable energy sector, the battle with climate change, and the need to power an ever-growing global population. But does it really make the challenge any more complex? Has this most challenging of periods in modern history actually given us the pause, the prompt, that we needed to re-evaluate the way we live and work for the better?

The pandemic has given us a unique opportunity to re-appraise the very roots of our economies and ecosystems, and reposition them more sustainably. The energy transition is as fundamental today as it was before Covid-19, and lockdown has given us all cause to rethink our approach, collectively and individually.

As H2 View passes the milestone of its first birthday, we build on that progress and reaffirm our commitment to both connecting and championing the hydrogen cause with a new series of webinars exploring the importance of maintaining momentum in the hydrogen sector – and why making green technologies a central part of the post-coronavirus economic recovery is fundamental.

[icon color=”c6d777″ size=”regular” icon_size=”” image=”iconsmind-Video”] PART 1:

Friday 24th July, 2:30pm (BST)

Part 1 – Driven, not diminished

H2 View’s new series of webinars begins with one of the biggest topics in the hydrogen and wider energy sector today: why a clean and green economic recovery is crucial for the world, post-coronavirus.

[icon color=”c6d777″ size=”regular” icon_size=”” image=”iconsmind-Video”] PART 2:

Friday 31st July, 2:30pm (BST)

Part 2 – Stimulating and Scaling Up

Part 2 of H2 View’s new series of webinars picks up the baton of why hydrogen is so crucial to the world’s economic recovery plans and runs with a discussion of how we can get there…

[icon color=”c6d777″ size=”regular” icon_size=”” image=”iconsmind-Video”] PART 3:

Friday 7th August, 2:30pm (BST)

Part 3 – Being the Change We Wish to See

…As most of us continue to see more glimmers of light at the end of a very challenging tunnel and prepare to emerge anew …