#41 Hydrogen: An Electrolyser Special

Hydrogen: An Electrolyser Special

Going Live 11th FEBRUARY 2022 | 14:30 (GMT)


Join Host Rob Cockerill & 998 other industry professionals for the Live Webinar!

Hydrogen is widely held aloft as the clean fuel central to underpinning our vision of a sustainable society of the future, and one technology is regarded as key to unlocking our green hydrogen future – electrolysers.

With electrolysis so fundamental to our green hydrogen aspirations, and capacity fast being built-out and announced, H2 View takes the opportunity to learn more about the electrolysers market today – and what needs to happen going forward.

In Hydrogen: An Electrolyser Special, we re-appraise the role of electrolysers, explore the technology and capacity advances, and better understand not only what the future holds, but what it will take to realise it.

Rob Cockerill


Global Managing Editor, gasworld

Jørg Aarnes

Global Lead – Hydrogen and CCS


Kasper Tipsmark

Chief Technology Officer

Green Hydrogen Systems

François Paquet

Impact Director

Renewable Hydrogen Coalition